Document Upload to Plants/Harvest Batch

Attach Supporting Files, Reports, or any other Documents

In this article, you'll find this list of topics that you can click on to quickly access the information you need:

Upload Documents

If you want to upload a document to a specific Plants/Harvest Batch, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Plants/Harvest Inventory

    • Go to the Cultivation module
    • Click on Plants/Harvest to open the Plants/Harvest Inventory View
  2. Select the Plants/Harvest Batch

    • Locate and click on the Plants Batch Name/Harvest Batch ID of the batch you want to upload the document to
    • The Plants/Harvest Detail View will open
  3. Open the Actions Menu

    1. In the Plants/Harvest Detail View, click on the Actions button
  4. Click on Upload Document
    1. Plants Batch:

    2. Harvest Batch:

  5. Choose a File and Add a Description

    • Select the file you want to upload by clicking on the Choose a file button
      • Optionally, you can add a description for the document
  6. Complete the Upload

    1. After selecting the file and adding a description (if necessary), click on Upload to attach the document to the harvest batch

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View Documents

You can view all uploaded documents in the Documents tab of the Plants/Harvest Detail View, where they will be listed in a table format for easy access.

  1. Plants Batch:

  2. Harvest Batch:

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