Split Harvest Batch

Split Your Harvest Batch to Process and Dry Plant Material Differently While Tracking the Original Source

When you split a harvest batch, a new harvest batch is generated using the plant material from the original batch.

๐Ÿ’กThis process enables you to handle or dry the divided plant material in distinct ways.

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Split Harvest Batch

You can split a harvest by following these steps:

  1. Go to Cultivation > Harvest and find the harvest batch you want to split

  2. Click the Action button next to the desired harvest batch

  3. Or you can open the desired harvest batch and click the Action button located in the top right corner of the detailed overview page for that batch

  4. Select Split Batch from the menu

  5. View the Source and New Batch: The current (source) batch will be displayed on the left side, and the new batch being created through this split will appear on the right

  6. Input Properties for the New Batch:

    • Date: Enter the date for the split batch

    • New Harvest Batch ID: Enter a unique identifier for the new batch

    • Target Area: Select the area where the new harvest batch will be stored

  7. Add Weight from the Source Batch:

    • Weight and Unit: Enter the amount of weight you want to transfer and select the unit

    • Equipment used for weighing: Specify the equipment used

    • Container: Select a container if you want to load the weight directly into a container

  8. Click Add to table to record the entry

    • Repeat steps 7 and 8 until you've moved all the plant material you want to the new batch

    • To remove any weight entry, simply click the X button next to the entry before saving your changes

  9. Once all entries are added, click Save to create the new split batch

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Add Additional Weight

If you want to add more weight to an already split batch, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Cultivation > Harvest, find the split batch, and open its detail view

  2. Click Action, then select Edit Harvest Details

  3. Add Additional Weight from the Source Batch:

    • Weight and Unit: Enter the additional weight to add
    • Equipment used for weighing: Specify the equipment used
    • Container: If applicable, select the container to load the weight
  4. Click Add to table to record the entry

    • Repeat the process until all additional weight is added
    • To remove any weight entry, simply click the X button next to the entry before saving your changes

  5. Once done, click Save to update the split batch

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