Quality Control

Efficient Article Batch Management for Quality Control and Compliance

Managing Article Batches efficiently is crucial for maintaining quality control and ensuring compliance with industry standards. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of how to manage article batches within the Quality Control page, offering a step-by-step process to streamline your operations.

In this article, you'll find this list of topics that you can click on to quickly access the information you need:


In the Quality control page (Quality > Quality control) you can see an overview of all your article batches.

The following information is displayed for each of the articles:

  • Batch ID

  • Article Nr. (automatically generated)

  • Article Name

  • State: testing, waiting for release, released or blocked

  • Release date

  • Expiry

  • Batch size (total amount that was manufactured in that batch)

  • Stock (how much you have in your inventory)

  • Unit

  • Last modification

  • Action

For each Article Batch in Cannavigia, you can perform various actions to manage and track your Inventory effectively. Here are the available actions:

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1. Edit Batch ID

  • Action: Customize the Batch ID for easier identification

  • How: Edit the Batch ID directly within the system

2. Move Batch

  • Action: Move your article batch to a different area or sub-area within your facility

  • How: Select the "Move" option and choose the desired location

3. Add a Note

  • Action: Add notes to an article batch for additional information or instructions

  • How: Use the "Add a Note" feature to input relevant details

4. Print Label

  • Action: Print a QR code label for your article batch

  • How: Select "Print Label" to generate and print a QR code for the batch

5. Archive

  • Action: Archive an article batch that is no longer active

  • How: Choose "Archive" to remove the batch from the active list

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1. Add Amount in Stock

  • Action: Manually add an amount to the article batch's stock

  • How:

    1. Click on "Add amount in Stock"

    2. In the modal that opens, input the Date of action, Amount to be added, and Reason

    3. Optionally, upload a document

    4. Click Save to update the stock

2. Remove Amount in Stock

  • Action: Manually remove an amount from the article batch's stock

  • How:

    1. Click on "Remove amount in Stock"

    2. In the modal that opens, input the Date of action, Amount to be removed, and Reason

    3. Optionally, upload a document

    4. Click Save to update the stock

3. Record Waste

  • Action: Record waste for an article batch

  • How:

    1. Click on "Record waste"

    2. In the modal, input the Amount, select the Waste container, input the Date, Reason, and complete the Task checklist if required

    3. Click Save to log the waste

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1. Record Observation

  • Action: Record observation notes for unexpected events related to the article batch

  • How: Select "Record observation" and upload any relevant pictures or documents

2. Take Sample

  • Action: Take a sample from the article batch for quality testing

  • How:

    1. Click on "Take sample"

    2. Input the Content, Amount, and Date

    3. Click Create to generate a sample and open the article batch detail view with the Samples tab active

3. Upload Document

  • Action: Upload a document to associate with the article batch for quality tracking and compliance

  • How: Use the "Upload document" feature to attach relevant documents to the batch

4. Marketing QR Code

  • Action: Print a marketing QR code for the article batch

  • How: If the product QR code is set under the marketing module, select "Marketing QR Code" to print it directly from the article batch

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