Mother Plants

Manage productive Mother Plants for a sustainable cultivation

Managing your Mother Plants in the plant inventory

The plant inventory page (Cultivation > Plants) in Cannavigia provides a detailed view of all your mother plant batches

Information Displayed

  1. Project: Shows which project the mother plant batch belongs to

  2. Cannavigia Plant Batch ID: Displays the ID of the plant batch

  3. Plant Batch Name: Shows the name of the plant batch. Clicking on the plant batch name takes you directly to the parent plant batch

  4. Amount of Plants: Indicates the number of plants in the batch

  5. Date of Creation: Shows when the plant batch was created

  6. Cultivar: Displays the cultivar or variety of the mother plants

  7. Area: Indicates the location of the batch within your facility. By clicking on the area takes you directly to the detailed view of the area


Action button

  • Show tagged plants: If you have tagged your plants, It opens a new window with detailed information about tagged plants like number and status of the plants