Manage Clones in Plant Inventory

Streamline Plant Propagation and Inventory Control

Clones, or cuttings, are derived from mother plants and are tracked meticulously to ensure optimal growth and resource allocation. This article provides a comprehensive guide on managing clone batches within the Cannavigia system, detailing the steps to access, view, and manipulate clone data for efficient cultivation.

Access Clone Details

  1. Go to Cultivation > Plants

  2. Click on the Clones infocard or tab to see a detailed view of all your plant batches from cuttings

The following information can be seen:

  • Batch type: From the parameters entered when the clones/cuttings were taken

  • ID: The name of the plant batch, opens the plant batch when clicked

  • Date of creation: Indicates when the clones/cuttings were cut

  • Cultivar: Indicates the cultivar or variety of the clones/cuttings

  • Available plants: How many clones/cuttings are in the clone batch

  • Area: Indicates in which of your areas the batch is located

Action Button

From the clone article batch, you will have the following actions:

  1. Print QR code: Generate and print QR codes for easy identification and tracking of your clone batches

  2. View Ancestry: Check the lineage and ancestry of the clones to understand their origins and genetic background

  3. Move Batch: Relocate the entire clone batch to a different area within your facility

  4. Create a Plant Batch: Create a new plant batch from the clone batch for further cultivation

  5. Add plants from this batch to a plant batch: Add individual plants from the clone batch to an existing plant batch

From the clone plant batch, you will have the following actions:

  1. Print QR code: Generate and print QR codes for easy identification and tracking of your clone batches