Log Weight Losses in the System to Ensure Precise and Up-to-date Inventory Records
Record a Weight Loss from a Harvest Batch due to factors such as natural drying or curing (unrelated to a drying process), theft, corrections or losses incurred during processing.
Log Loss on Harvest Batch
Navigate to Harvest Inventory
- Go to the Cultivation module
- Click on Harvest to open the Harvest Inventory View
Select the Harvest Batch
To access the specific batch, locate its Harvest Batch ID in the list and click on the Actions button next to the harvest batch
Or select the Harvest Batch ID itself, then click the Actions button in the detail view
To record the loss, click Log Loss from the Actions menu to open the Log Loss Modal for you to enter the necessary information
Input the required details
Reason: Provide a reason for the loss (e.g., drying, theft, corrections or processing loss)
Lost Weight: Enter the amount of weight lost
Unit: Select the unit for the weight (e.g., grams, kilograms)
Save the Loss: After entering the necessary details, click Save
The system will deduct the logged loss from the available weight of the harvest batch
Note: The logged loss weight cannot exceed the available weight of the harvest batch.