
Streamline your Drying Process

The Drying Process plays a crucial role in the preservation of harvested crops, ensuring they are kept in optimal condition for storage and further processing.

In this article, you'll find this list of topics that you can click on to quickly access the information you need:

Start Drying

  1. Go to the Cultivation module and click on Harvest to open the Harvest Inventory View

  2. Choose the specific harvest batch by either clicking the Actions button associated with that batch, or entering the batch ID to access it directly

  3. In the Actions Modal that appears, select the Start Drying Process icon

    Note: Ensure that you have first created the necessary Drying Tasks under Quality/Tasks

  4. Fill in the Drying Process Details

    • Drying Process (Task) (Mandatory): Choose the drying task related to the batch (e.g., natural drying, freeze-drying, ...)

    • Area - Name (Mandatory): Choose the designated location for the drying process to occur

    • Start Date (Mandatory): Enter the start date 

    • Drying Equipments (Optional): Link any relevant equipment that will be utilized during the drying process

  5. Task Checklist (if applicable): If the chosen drying task includes a checklist, ensure that all items on the checklist are completed before initiating the drying process; the task can only start once every checklist item has been verified by the user
  6. Start the Drying Process: Once all mandatory fields are filled, click Start to initiate the drying process for the selected harvest batch

Note: Cannot start drying if the initial weight is 0. Weigh in weight to start drying.

Note: When you initiate the drying process for a harvest batch, it will apply to the entire weight of that batch. If you wish to dry a part of the batch differently, you can split the batch, allowing for distinct drying methods for each new harvest batch created.

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Finish Drying

Option 1 - Harvest Inventory View 

  1. In the Harvest Inventory View, click on the Actions button of the batch you want to finish process

  2. An Action Modal will appear

  3. Click on the Finish Drying button

  4. The Finish Drying Process box will appear

  5. The finished date and time can be adjusted if needed

  6. Finish the Task: Once all the required information has been filled out, click on the Finish button to complete the drying task

  7. You will have the option to either return without recording any dry weight and register it later using the batch Action button, or you can immediately input the dry weight by clicking the green Weight in Dry Weight button

  8. Drying Finished Modal opens: Weigh in dry weight - Input Drying weight, select equipment and container if needed, then click on Weight in

  9. Input as many Dry weight as needed, and delete any entry before saving, with the grey X button

  10. Click Save to register the Dry weights

Option 2 - Harvest Batch Detail View

Overview Tab

  1. Go to Cultivation > Harvest and select the Harvest Batch ID that has the drying task you wish to finish

  2. After selecting the batch, the page will automatically navigate to the Harvest Detail View wich will open in the Overview Tab

  3. You can click the Finish Button in the In Progress section

  4. Proceed by following the steps detailed in Option 1, beginning with step 4

OR - Drying Tab

  1. Go to Cultivation > Harvest and select the Harvest Batch ID that has the drying task you wish to finish

  2. After selecting the batch, the page will automatically navigate to the Harvest Detail View

  3. Open the 'Drying' Tab: In the Harvest Detail View, click on the Drying tab to view the processing tasks related to this harvest batch

  4. Click on the Finish Drying Process icon (Green Flag), the Finish Drying Process form box will appear

  5. Proceed by following the steps detailed in Option 1, beginning with step 4

Note: When the drying has been finished, it is no longer possible to weigh in wet weight.

Note:If you have other processing tasks in progress: Finish all processing tasks before finishing the drying process.

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