Additives Overview

A Comprehensive Overview of all the Additives in your Inventory

The Additives page in Cannavigia (Cultivation > Additives) offers a detailed summary of all the additives currently available in your inventory. This section helps you manage and track the various additives used in your cultivation process.

Tabs and Their Functions

  1. Additives: This tab gives an overview of all additives currently in your inventory

  2. Archive: View and manage additives that have been archived

  3. Notes: Add and view notes related to specific additives

  4. Log: Track the activity log related to additive entries

Additive Information

Within the Additive tab, you can view detailed information about each additive, including:

  • Name: The name of the additive

  • Manufacturer: The company or brand that produces the additive

  • Category: The general category the additive belongs to (e.g., Fertilization, Pest management, Substrate, Pots)

  • Subcategory: More specific classification within the category

  • Danger Signs: Any hazard symbols or safety warnings associated with the additive

  • Notes: Any additional notes or comments about the additive

  • In Stock: The current stock level of the additive

  • Action: Edit Additive button


  • Article Setup Page: Clicking on the Action button next to an additive will take you to the article setup page, where you can configure or edit details about that specific additive

IMPORTANT: To add Additives, follow the workflow to add articles into the system. To track batches of applied fertilizer article batches of the respective additive articles have to be created. This can be done through Goods In, Manufacturing or under Quality control.